Aggregating Patient Data

You can leverage multiple operations in the Convert API to aggregate patient data from multiple sources. Below are recipes for a few common scenarios.

Convert a Set of Encounter-Level CDAs into a Single FHIR Bundle

  1. Use the CDA to FHIR operation for each CDA.
  2. Concatenate the results into a newline-delimited JSON format.
  3. Send the concatenated results to the Combine FHIR Bundles operation to generate a single FHIR bundle.

Aggregate Data from a CDA and HL7 Log for a Single Person

  1. Use the CDA to FHIR operation for the CDA.
  2. Use the HL7 to FHIR operation for the HL7 data.
  3. Concatenate the results into a newline-delimited JSON format.
  4. Send the concatenated results to the Combine FHIR Bundles operation to generate a single FHIR bundle.

Assembling a Lifetime CDA (Aggregated CDA)

  1. Use the CDA to FHIR operation for each CDA.
  2. Concatenate the results into a newline-delimited JSON format.
  3. Send the concatenated results to the Combine FHIR Bundles operation to generate a single FHIR bundle.
  4. Send the combined FHIR bundle to the FHIR to CDA operation to create an aggregated CDA document.