Getting Started

Learn how to use the Orchestrate SDK in your project.


You can download the latest Orchestrate SDK from popular package managers: NPM (for TypeScript and JavaScript) and PIP for Python.

Installing SDK in Your NPM Project
npm install @careevolution/orchestrate --save
npm install @careevolution/orchestrate --save
Installing SDK in Your Python Project
pip install orchestrate-api
pip install orchestrate-api

Once installed, you can then import the SDK in your code for easy reference:

Referencing the SDK in JavaScript
import { OrchestrateApi } from '@careevolution/orchestrate';
import { OrchestrateApi } from '@careevolution/orchestrate';
Referencing the SDK in Python
from orchestrate import OrchestrateApi
from orchestrate import OrchestrateApi

If you wish to see the underlying code, you can find it in GitHub.


Before you can use the Orchestrate SDK, you need to create an account in the Developer Portal and get your personal API key.

Just paste your API key into the string in the examples below and give it a try.

JavaScript Quickstart
import { OrchestrateApi } from '@careevolution/orchestrate';

const orchestrate = new OrchestrateApi({apiKey: "your-api-key"});
const result = await orchestrate.classifyCondition({
  code: "119981000146107",
  system: "SNOMED",
import { OrchestrateApi } from '@careevolution/orchestrate'; const orchestrate = new OrchestrateApi({apiKey: "your-api-key"}); const result = await orchestrate.classifyCondition({ code: "119981000146107", system: "SNOMED", }); console.log(result);
Sample Output
  behavioral: false,
  substance: false,
  socialDeterminant: false,
  covid19Condition: 'Confirmed',
{ behavioral: false, substance: false, socialDeterminant: false, covid19Condition: 'Confirmed', ... }
Python Quickstart
from orchestrate import OrchestrateApi

api = OrchestrateApi(api_key="your-api-key")
print(api.classify_condition(code="119981000146107", system="SNOMED"));
from orchestrate import OrchestrateApi api = OrchestrateApi(api_key="your-api-key") print(api.classify_condition(code="119981000146107", system="SNOMED"));
Sample Output
  'behavioral': False, 
  'substance': False, 
  'socialDeterminant': False, 
{ 'behavioral': False, 'substance': False, 'socialDeterminant': False, 'covid19Condition': 'Confirmed', ... }

SDK Methods

The SDK contains methods corresponding to individual API operations. For details, see SDK Methods