Terminology - Classify Observation

POST /terminology/v1/classify/observation

Classifies an observation, including lab observations and panels, radiology or other reports. The input must be from one of the following code systems:


See the Classify API Overview for general principles that apply to all Classify API operations.

Body Parameters

code string (required)

Code value.

system string (required)

The source code system (as a name or URL).

display string

Display string.

Response Fields

loincComponent string

The analyte or attribute being measured or observed (e.g., Sodium, Body weight, Discharge summary note) from LOINC Component.

loincClass string

From LOINC Class (e.g., CARD-US for cardiac ultrasound, RAD for radiology, HEM/BC for hematology/blood chemistry).

loincSystem string

From LOINC System (e.g., Bld for blood, Liver).

loincMethodType string

From LOINC MethodType (e.g., IA for immunoassay, Visual for visual count).

loincTimeAspect string

From LOINC TimeAspect (e.g., Pt for point in time, 24H for 24 hours).

covid19Lab string (categorical)

One of: antigen, antibody, immunoglobulin. Based on proprietary value sets developed from WHO, CDC, SNOMED, LOINC, and AMA coding advisories.

category string (categorical)

One of: activity, exam, imaging, laboratory, procedure, social-history, survey, therapy, vital-signs (Based on FHIR Observation Category)


Try It
Try out the operations, with examples, in the Developer Portal Sandbox.
Sample Classify Input
    "code": "94558-4",
    "system": "LOINC"
Sample Classify Response
    "loincComponent": "SARS coronavirus 2 Ag",
    "loincClass": "MICRO",
    "loincSystem": "Respiratory",
    "loincMethodType": "IA.rapid",
    "loincTimeAspect": "Pt",
    "covid19Lab": "Antigen",
    "category": "laboratory"

For additional examples, or to try out the API live, see the Developer Portal Sandbox