Classifying Visits by Healthcare Setting

The Insight - Classify Setting operation can be used to classify visits by healthcare setting, such as inpatient, emergency, ambulatory, and behavioral health. For example, this functionality may be used by patient or clinician applications which enable display or filtering of visits by type or by population health analyses which count inpatient or ED visits.

Classify Setting accepts a FHIR bundle for a single patient, which can come from any of the Convert API operations, such as HL7 to FHIR or CDA to FHIR.

If you have multiple records for the same patient, you can combine them to produce a unified visit classification:

  1. Convert each record from its original format (CDA, HL7, etc.) to FHIR.
  2. Combine the resulting FHIR bundles into a single bundle.
  3. Use the Insight - Classify Setting operation to classify the visits.